1 de mar. de 2011

Cecil - The Knife Chair (Armadilha da cadeira)

Diálogo de Jhon e Cecil

"Whoa! What the fuck is that?!"
John: " It's the tool. The tool that's going to save your life. I want to play a game Your life is a lie, Cecil. Now comes your moment of truth. As a drug addict and a thief, you've preyed on the kindness of others to fuel your addiction. Today, we're bringing the ugliness inside you out into the open. Now, in order for you to stay alive, we have to match your face with the ugliness of your soul. Just lean forward into the knives with your face. Press hard enough and you'll release the arm and the leg restraints that bind you"


"Press hard though, and you'll be free."

" You-you sick fuck! Fuck you!"

"Or you sit lightly and bleed out on the floor. Live or die, Cecil. Make your choice."
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