8 de mar. de 2011

3)Evan,Dan,kara,jake-The garage trap-Armadilha da garage-Horsepower trap

Evan(chester bennington) tem um grupo de racistas  nesse grupo então Dan kara i jake Bom eu  particularmente achei uma armadilha bem forçada Bom foi minha opinião mais vamos ao   assunto Evan esta preso no banco Dan preso com correntes no braço i boca Kara com a cabeça debaixo da roda i jake preso no portão Evan tem 30 segundos para desgruda do banco i puxa uma alavanca ele não consegue i vira um massacre Dan perde os 2 braço i o queixo kara é esmagada pela roda jake é atropelado i Evan é jogado pra fora do carro bem loco isso

Instruçoes da fita:

Hello, Evan. I want to play a game. The situation you find yourself in is of your own doing. You, your girlfriend and your griends are all racists  you have intimidated others based on their physical differences. But today it is you Who Will run scared your pathetic friends  follow your every Word, Evan... therefore, you Will be... the only capable of saving them and yourself in thirty seconds the jacks nolding up this car Will fall in thirty seconds the jacks holding up this car Will fall. Setting off a deadly chain of events in order to stop this from happening you must tear yourself aeay from the seat to which you are glued.  Then you must, pull the red lever before you. But no act comes without a sacrifice you vê judged others by the coloro f their skin... and today, Evan, you Will learn that...  we are all the same coloro n the inside live or die, Evan, the choice is yours
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