8 de mar. de 2011

4)Bobby-Cage trap-Armadilha da Gaiola

Armadilha da gaiola acho que é a, armadilha mais fácil de toda serie Bobby acorda um gaiola começa  a bate na gaiola i jiqsaw da as instruções a gaiola é suspensa i no chão fica um monte de ferro  i tem um corrente que Bobby puxa ia tampa da gaiola abre  ele fica pendurado i começa a balança i si joga  longe dos espetos

istruçoes da fita:

Hello,Bobby i want to play a game  you have amassed wealth fame and notoriety...  based upon your story of survival.  Many have aided in your cause but few know the truth. You are liar.  You and i both know you have nver been in a trap...  nor have you ever been tested. Today these lies Will come full circle... and  you will learn IF you truly have... what it takes to call yourself a survivor.  The Cage you find yourself in Will symbolize your rebirth. Within the next 60 minutes... you must stay upon the  path of learning... and traverse a series of obstacles to obain access to your wife who you have also deceived.  IF you fail reach her before the clock  runs out,she Will die  liver or die, Bobby make your choice.
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