8 de mar. de 2011

7)Cale-Blindfold trap-Armadilha do cego

Bobby vai ter que salva cale ou melhor tenta salva  ele tera 60 segundos para guia seu amigo Cale esta com uma venda no olhos i uma corda no pescoço Bobby tem que guia ele ate o mais perto da chave possível  ele guia cale cai da tabua mais si segura ai no momento final cale ta bem perto Bobby vai joga a chave pra ele i...... fail cale derruba a chave i Fatality cale morre enforcado
instruçoes da fita:

Hello, Bobby.
 Across from you is your closest friend   He  knows all your sins yet He acts as though He hears no evil. Today what He hears Will be the difference between life and death. Bobby, you must help cale walk over the planks... and get as close to you as possible . find your own way across the bearms to the key. You must get it to him over the last span between you. If the noose around cale’s neck is not within 60 seconds...  a winch Will be  engaged and your secret will be left hanging.  Does cale live or die, Bobby ?  the choice is yours.
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